Get To Know Joan
I’m also an accomplished and experienced advocate for the prevention of injury, disorders, and death and the promotion of holistic living. For almost 30 years, I developed and managed award-winning national Substance Use Disorder (SUD) programs for the federal government.
Positive Attitude

Discover A Renewed Sense
Of Peace and Well-being
What Can I Offer You?
The short answer is a lifetime of experience, wisdom, knowledge, inspiration, and training. I’ve overcome multiple losses, grief, trauma, and abuse. At my age, I have fully reinvented myself by integrating my mind, body, and spirit. I needed to allow my repressed pain (those emotions within the places that Brene Brown calls,” where we go when we’re hurting, fall short, feel wronged and/or search for connection”) to surface, express, and then release them. It wasn’t painless or easy. I learned what the Dalai Lama meant by saying that “pain is inevitable, suffering isn’t”.
Obtaining my various energy healing certifications served as a catalyst to begin releasing those deeply embedded emotions that I didn’t realize were there. I have developed a powerful healing process called, “Embody and Transform®” based on my collective trainings and experience. We can learn and grow emotionally and spiritually by allowing ourselves to feel our pain from challenging and unexpected life events and release that pain often embedded in our bodies–that often result in emotional and physical disorders. Like many of us who wanted to deny or drown that pain, I turned to mind-numbing substances. Guess what? It only prolongs or exacerbates living with sadness, shame, regret, and other dense emotions. I’m now proud to say that I’ve now been on an alcohol use disorder recovery path for over 6 years—and life is now so magical and beautiful!
As a life-long learner, over the past 12 years, I’ve become a Yoga Teacher, Meditation Guide, Sound Healing Practitioner, Grief Yoga® Guide, Trauma-Informed, Usui Reiki Master, and Transformation Life Coach. My training as a Support Group Facilitator goes back over 45 years and I’ve facilitated such groups for those dealing with divorce, separation, death, caregiver’s whose loved ones have dementia, and those in recovery from a SUD.
The practice of yoga on and off the mat (the 8-fold path), has been an important part of recovery from my own SUD and I passionately share mindfulness, pranayama (breath control), and meditation techniques with others. My other joys include my grandchildren, traveling, and quilting. My daily mantra is: “release the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today”.
I like to call myself a perfectly imperfect, realistic optimist that inspires others that one can grow older with grace, vigor, and enthusiasm. And, I like to say that at my age,” I’m living the best part of the rest of this life!” I’d love to help you have this same mindset—regardless of your age!
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space, there is a power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” Victor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning.
- Crystal Alchemy Sound Healer Certifications – Levels I &II, Sacred Science of Sound Crystal Alchemy Training – 2023
- Grief Yoga® Teacher Training, Grief Yoga® Teacher Training – 2023
- Restorative Aerial Teacher Training Certification, “Flow and Fly” – 2022
- RYT-200 and RYT-300 Yoga Teacher Training Certification, Thrive Yoga Studio – 2020 – 2021
- RYT-200, Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Studio, Yoga Teacher Training Certification – 2021
- Trauma-Sensitive Yoga Teacher Training Certification, Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Studio – 80 hours – 2021 and 2022
- Usui Reiki Master Certification, Thrive Yoga Studio – 2019
- Facilitator Training Certification, Women for Sobriety Inc. – 20
- Facilitator Training Certification, Alzheimer’s Assoc. – 2016
- Facilitator Training Certification, Hospice of Frederick County – 2005 – 2008
- Facilitator Training Certification, Separated and Divorced Catholics 1978-2015
- Sound Therapist Training, Sound Immersion Levels 1, 2, and 3 – 2020-2022
- Transformation Life Coach Certification, Life Coach Institute, ICF-certified – 2014
- M.A., Human Development Education, U. of MD (Specialty was Child and Adolescent Development) 1988
- B.A, Hearing and Speech Science, U. of MD – 1980